Whether you’re a first-time mom or struggling to make the process work with your new baby, we support women throughout their breastfeeding journeys.
We encourage women to start their journey in our breastfeeding classes. This connects them to our teams and gives them evidence-based understanding before birth.
You don’t need to figure out breastfeeding on your own after you leave the hospital. We make sure you have everything you need to feel comfortable and confident breastfeeding your baby.
Lactation Consultants
Our lactation consultants partner with you during your hospital stay. They are available on-site to help you and answer your questions. Each campus has inpatient lactation consultants ready to help.
First Steps Program Breastfeeding Center of Excellence
Located at Kettering Health Washington Township, First Steps Breastfeeding offers additional support with prenatal consultations and postpartum visits.
We help with issues such as the following:
- Baby eating less than eight times in 24 hours and less than 10 minutes per feeding
- Baby not having yellow, seedy bowel movements and having 6-8 wet diapers per day by day 5
- Baby not swallowing frequently while feeding
- Breasts not feeling full before feedings and softer after
- Difficult or painful latching
- Engorgement
- Lack of milk production
- Nipple or breast pain during or after nursing
- Painful, hot, firm area on the breast
If you experience any difficulty with breastfeeding after leaving the hospital, please call (937) 401-6881 immediately or schedule a lactation consultation.
Breastfeeding Konnect Group
Finding help with the logistics of breastfeeding is important. Just as invaluable is having a community that knows exactly what you’re going through. This free, fun, and educational breastfeeding group for moms meets on Tuesday mornings from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The group meets at the First Steps Breastfeeding Support Center at 1989 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd.
Babies and other healthy small children are welcome. Call (937) 401-6881 for more information.
Virtual Breastfeeding Support
We provide easy access to breastfeeding consultations through our First Steps Program and in partnership with Nest Collaborative. These online, video appointments help guide parents through the breastfeeding process. They provide evidence-based, on-demand virtual appointments 100% covered by most health plans.
The International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants® give lactation support for prenatal and postpartum parents, during any stage from beginning to end.
Ohio Statewide Breastfeeding Hotline
The State of Ohio has lactation professionals to provide 24/7 breastfeeding support. Call the breastfeeding hotline at (888) 588-3423 or text BFHOTLINE to 839863.
We’re Here to Help
Whether you need answers to your breastfeeding questions or are looking for more resources, call us at (937) 401-6881.