
Tai Chi for Arthritis – Dayton

Kettering Health Years Ahead - Dayton 3969 Salem Avenue, Dayton

Join us in our Tai Chi for Arthritis workshop! The workshop will take you through an 8-week series, that meets 2 days a week, of gentle movements and stretches to


A Matter of Balance – Dayton

Kettering Health Years Ahead - Dayton 3969 Salem Avenue, Dayton

This is an evidence-based program designed to reduce fear of falling and help increase activity levels by promoting exercise to enhance strength and balance.  This is an eight-week class, with


Healthy Holiday Eating – Dayton

Kettering Health Years Ahead - Dayton 3969 Salem Avenue, Dayton

Food is the center of many holiday traditions and gatherings.  Learn strategies to enjoy the holidays without overindulging.   Start the new year happy and healthy. Date: Thursday, November 9, 1-


Benefits of Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease – Dayton

Kettering Health Years Ahead - Dayton 3969 Salem Avenue, Dayton

Exercise is an important component of healthy living for all adults, but especially for those living with Parkinson's disease.  This presentation aims to highlight the research that shows that many

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