Spanish Childbirth Preparation

This class is taught in Spanish and prepares you for labor and delivery, immediate newborn care and breastfeeding. Topics include: Anatomy of labor Nutrition and exercise Signs and stages of labor Labor positions and comfort techniques Medical procedures Cesarean birth Additional information will be given regarding breastfeeding basics, postpartum warning signs, newborn care and safety


Spanish Childbirth Preparation

Kettering Health Washington Township - Cafeteria Classroom 1997 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Washington Township, OH, United States

This class is taught in Spanish and prepares you for labor and delivery, immediate newborn care and breastfeeding. Topics include: Anatomy of labor Nutrition and exercise Signs and stages of labor Labor positions and comfort techniques Medical procedures Cesarean birth Additional information will be given regarding breastfeeding basics, postpartum warning signs, newborn care and safety


Spanish Childbirth Preparation

Kettering Health Washington Township - Cafeteria Classroom 1997 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Washington Township, OH, United States

This class is taught in Spanish and prepares you for labor and delivery, immediate newborn care and breastfeeding. Topics include: Anatomy of labor Nutrition and exercise Signs and stages of labor Labor positions and comfort techniques Medical procedures Cesarean birth Additional information will be given regarding breastfeeding basics, postpartum warning signs, newborn care and safety


All Urgent and On-Demand Care locations will be closed on New Years Day

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