Brain and Spine Care
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Estimates indicate one-quarter to one-half a million Americans suffer symptoms of spinal stenosis—that’s about five out of every 1,000 people over the age of 50.
Stenosis occurs when the spaces within the spine begin to narrow. The narrowing causes compression on the nerves traveling through and branching out of the spinal canal.
There are two types of spinal stenosis: cervical and lumbar.
Cervical stenosis is when the narrowing of the spinal canal occurs in the neck. While lumbar stenosis, the more common type, happens in the lower back.
Symptoms and causes
While some people experience no symptoms, others might gradually worsen pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling, paired with muscle weakness. It causes pain, most commonly in the neck and lower back. But it also can affect the legs, shoulders, and arms.
When someone is born with a smaller-than-normal spinal canal, it can constrict nerves as they grow. However, most spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows over time.
Damage and wear of the spine from conditions such as osteoarthritis can cause bone spurs. These tiny shards of bone grow into the canal and restrict the nerves. Certain spine conditions also can be a factor. Most commonly, they include tumors, arthritis, and Paget’s disease, which causes bone overgrowth in the spine.
Most stenosis sufferers are over the age of 50. Your risk increases with age and is higher if you are female, born with a narrow spinal canal, or suffered a previous spinal injury.
Due to the effect female sex hormones have on musculoskeletal degeneration, postmenopausal women experience far more incidences of spinal stenosis than men.
Younger people also can experience degenerative changes resulting in the condition, but it is more likely other causes need to be explored. Spinal imaging can reveal those issues, which include congenital deformities, such as scoliosis, and genetic diseases affecting bone and muscle development.
Diagnosis and treatment
Generally, a rheumatologist will discuss symptoms with you and review a complete medical history. If spinal stenosis is suspected, a physical exam will be performed, and the doctor may order X-rays or a CT scan to visualize the spinal cord and nerves.
An MRI is utilized to look at the spinal cord and nerves. An electromyogram can check the nerves of the legs.
There is no cure for stenosis. However, regular exercise, medication, and sometimes surgical procedures can help manage the symptoms and offer relief. Your doctor may prescribe physical therapy, which will help you learn exercises to build and maintain muscle to strengthen the hips, quadriceps, and hamstrings.
Medication to reduce pain and muscle spasms could be prescribed. Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen and anti-inflammatories can help as well. If these don’t provide relief, in rare situations, your doctor might try a cortisone injection directly into the spinal cord.
As with other conditions, surgery would always be a last resort. A decompression laminectomy may be an option. This surgical procedure removes overgrowth and bone spurs from the spinal canal, relieving the pressure from the nerves. While surgery can provide better short-term results than non-surgical options, the results can vary. Spinal Stenosis is an ongoing condition that cannot be cured, and treatment options should be discussed with your doctor.
Talk to an expert
One of the most difficult stenosis results is a slow, steady loss of leg strength. Remaining active produces some of the best results in living with the condition, especially swimming, regular stretching, and moderate walking. Modify your activity to minimize pain and reduce heavy lifting or long-distance walking. Speak with your doctor for information and help manage the pain and stay active, safely.
If you are dealing with back pain and suspect spinal stenosis could be the cause, contact Kettering Health Brain & Spine for an appointment today.
Call 1-844-211-5482 or click here to schedule an appointment.