Diabetes and Endocrinology
Want to learn more about this at Kettering Health?
Kettering Health and The Mall at Fairfield Commons have partnered to bring the area a community garden, improving neighbors’ access to the benefits of eating healthy, gardening, and enjoying community.
“Community gardens provide an opportunity to meet and form bonds with other people in your neighborhood,” Registered Dietitian Alicia Buterbaugh explains. “Gardening can help you increase physical activity and lower your stress levels.”
Coming Together to Care for a Community
The community garden, located between the Mall at Fairfield Commons and Soin Medical Center, offers 15 plots. Neighbors have begun to grow peppers, tomatoes, and flowers. And more plots are available.
Nurses from Soin Medical Center even decorated colored pavers to welcome visitors to the garden.
The garden provides an opportunity for neighbors to come together and enjoy being outside, increasing physical activity, and eating healthier.
Community Relations Coordinator Cheyenne Silvers has seen the garden flourish firsthand. She sees this as a key way for Soin Medical Center to continue caring for the neighbors they serve.
“We are excited to help support this opportunity for the community to get out and garden, especially those families who may be unable to create such a garden at their home,” she says. “This partnership gives us the ability to provide the community with better access to healthy foods.”
Grow Your Own Food for Better Health
Eating fruits and vegetables helps provide nutrients vital for a healthy body. It also helps prevent chronic illnesses.
“It is important to promote a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables,” says Alicia. “Studies have shown that fruit and vegetable intake can lower our risk for getting many chronic illnesses, such as certain cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes.”
You can start growing your own vegetables and fruits in a plot of your own. Each person or family can have one plot until the end of September at no cost. Enjoy this opportunity to grow some vegetables and deeper roots with your community.
Call (937) 427-9031 for more information.