The public can tour Kettering Medical Center’s newly remodeled labor and delivery rooms at the hospital’s Baby Fair on Sunday, September 24 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Kettering Medical Center is located at 3535 Southern Blvd. in Kettering. You can register here, now.
Remodeled Labor and Delivery Rooms
The remodeled labor and delivery rooms are private and beautifully designed with natural colors to create a soothing space with a spa effect. The bathrooms are also spa-like, with stone walls and rain shower heads for women who want to take a relaxing shower during labor.
The rooms also have labor tubs. Labor tubs are used during labor to help ease the discomforts of labor pains as water is a known therapy for labor pain. The woman can labor in the tub and when she is ready or near delivery will come out of the tub back to her bed for delivery.
Car Seat Safety Information
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, three out of four car seats are not used correctly. Often installation is incorrect or the wrong type of seat is being used for the child's height, weight or age. For these children, the safety seat may not be protecting them the way it should.
Safe Sleep Demonstrations
Every week in Ohio, three babies die in unsafe sleep environments. To help reduce infant sleep-related deaths, maternity department nurses are providing a Safe Sleep demonstration.
Kettering Baby Fair
Future parents can learn about successful pregnancy planning, what to anticipate during pregnancy, and what to expect once baby arrives at the Baby Fair. In addition to the newly remodeled labor and delivery rooms, you can tour Kettering’s maternity unit and Level III B Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; visit retail booths; talk to OB/GYNs; and sign up for childbirth classes. The fair also features food, prizes and entertainment, including balloon artists and face painters.
Disney Junior Channel’s Doc McStuffins is the featured guest. The character is a 7-year-old girl who can “fix” toys with a little help from her stuffed animal friends.
Dad Trivia
Dads can take our new parent quiz to learn fun facts and safety information. Dads who participate will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a $50 Dick Sporting Goods gift card.