First Steps Breastfeeding Center of Excellence, located at Kettering Health Washington Township, is expanding its services to include telehealth appointments. Patients can be seen virtually or in person based on their unique needs and preferences.
“Our goal is to support our patients through every step of their breastfeeding journey,” said Jackie Lovelace, director of maternity care at Kettering Health. “This new scheduling option increases our ability to achieve that goal by offering a new layer of flexibility and convenience to the nursing mothers in our community.”
Breastfeeding mothers can address a variety of lactation concerns via telehealth appointments including prenatal lactation consulting, pump teaching, lactation inducement, re-lactation, milk management, and preparation for return to the workplace. Patients will receive a link to their virtual visits and can continue to see the same lactation consultant. Most insurers cover telehealth visits for lactation services.
First Steps Breastfeeding Center of Excellence is an outpatient breastfeeding support center that offers lactation consulting, breastfeeding support groups and a free walk-in baby weighing station. Postpartum intimates and equipment are also available through the First Steps boutique.
For more information call (937) 401-6881.