Awards and Recognition
We believe in recognizing our people for their work and all of the ways they go above and beyond. Available awards include:
- Cameo of Caring
- Employee of the Month
- President’s Award
- Star Search
- Service Year Award

Staff Involvement
Collaboration is a core value. We strive to have open communication through employee surveys and process-improvement teams.
Townhall meetings ensure every employee stays up-to-date with all that happens throughout the organization.

Community Involvement
As an organization, we seek to establish deep ties with our community and the various groups who are a part of it. Some of these community relationships and projects include:
- Culture Works
- Dayton Dragons
- Holiday Adopt-A-Family
- School Supply Project
- The United Way
We also host, sponsor, and participate in community events such as:
- Eagle Seekers Golf Tournament
- Martin Luther King Jr. Community March
- Walk for Women’s Wellness