The Adult Inpatient Crisis Stabilization Program is a comprehensive treatment program for those experiencing a mental health crisis.
This program is specifically for patients 18 years of age and older, with referrals usually coming from an ER. Our expert team of psychiatrists, nurses, mental health technicians, care coordinators, and occupational therapists are equipped to treat most, including severe, mental health disorders.
What to Expect
After entering the program, patients will speak with a care provider about their medical and behavioral health history. We then work with patients to develop their treatment plan, carefully tailoring it to their diagnosis, condition, and situation.
Our facility has 60 patient beds. Patients typically stay for three to five days in one of three units, depending on the severity of their condition.
Day to Day
We aim to treat patients as a whole person, considering their mind, body, and spirit. Through various groups, activities, and counseling, we help give patients the tools they need to start the road to recovery.
Each day, patients can expect to participate in scheduled activities like
- Group activities and therapy
- One-on-one counseling
- Occupational therapy
- Pet therapy
- Faith and life counseling
- Medication compliance
- Recreation
Support from loved ones is essential to helping someone through a mental health crisis. We offer daily visitation times for each of our units.
- Unit A: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
- Unit B and C: 6 – 7 p.m.
Visitation is limited to two adults. For safety reasons, a patient’s treatment team may restrict the number of visitors.
After the Program
Once a patient is stabilized, our goal is to make sure they have the tools and support they need to move forward.
Because continued care is key to recovery, we may recommend that patients enter the Intensive Outpatient Program next or transition into the Outpatient Counseling Program alongside the Outpatient Medication Management Program.